{ ViewBag.Title = "MyCart"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }
MY CART ({{TtlCrtCount}})

- {{x.Quantity}} +

Discount   {{x.Discount}}%

Delivery Charges   {{x.DelCharge==0 ? 'FREE' : (x.DelCharge*x.Quantity | currency:"₹":2) }}



Size   {{x.ProSize}}

Overseas Not Deliver Out Side Of India
{{x.SelPrice*x.Quantity | currency:"₹":2}}   {{x.ProductMrp*x.Quantity}}   You saved   {{((x.ProductMrp*x.Quantity)* x.Discount)/100 | currency:"₹":2}}
In Stock Out Of Stock

{{Y.ProductMrp | currency:"₹":2}}
In Stock Out Of Stock

MRP - {{ tPrice | currency:"₹":2 }} Discount - {{tDiscount* Qty | currency:"₹":2}}   Price - {{tPrice-(tDiscount* Qty )}}
- {{Qty}} +    

Delivery Charges   {{dlcharge==0 ? 'FREE' : dlcharge*Qty}}

Delivery Charges   {{intdelchrg==0 ? 'FREE' : intdelchrg*Qty}}



Overseas Not Deliver Out Side Of India
  • Remove Out Of Stock Product From Cart Then Continue  
Price ({{TtlCrtCount}} item)
{{TotalPrice | currency:"₹":2}}
Delivery Charges
{{TotalDelChrgs==0 ? 'FREE' : (TotalDelChrgs | currency:"₹":2)}}
Amount Payable
{{TotalPrice+TotalDelChrgs | currency:"₹":2}}
Your cart has no items